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    Skills and Experience

    • Successful team collaboration with a student peer to complete a full-stack MERN app from the ground-up as a capstone project, not limited to programming a fully customised and secured authentication and RBAC authorisation system using Google Firebase Authentication and MongoDB user credential storage. Protected API routes configured and implemented, thanks to Express JS, utilising such auth. (See "Project 1" below).
    • Demonstrated proven capability to build a completely custom, full-stack web application utilising Ruby on Rails (Rails) and various third-party Ruby Gems to achieve objectives. Such applications include various third-party APIs to bolster functionality and user experience. (See "Project 2" below).
    • Sound competency in using JavaScript to include programmatic functionality, not limited to dynamically manipulating elements or their styling in the DOM for an even more fantastic UI/UX experience for the user.
    • Recently upskilled in ReactJS for declarative coding of components for highly reusable and responsive interfaces. This includes my sound experience and practice in developing class components and functional components with Hooks and React Context, etc., all tied together with React Router for SPA navigation.
    • Practical competency in building mobile-first, responsive websites from scratch using HTML and CSS functionalities and techniques for enhanced UI/UX on modern browsers. I have demonstrated ability in using SASS as a CSS preprocessor to facilitate code maintainability and reuse. I am always mindful that attention to detail is paramount in planning, designing and developing such websites to combine aesthetics and accessibility effectively. This portfolio website you're browsing was built almost entirely from scratch by me!
    • Prior real-world support and maintenance of legacy ASP.NET-based web applications built under the MVC code architecture, that was still utilised by a significant number of end-users.
    • Prior real-world experience in building and customising a modern ASP.NET MVC web application that added value to a critical business need, built upon Bootstrap for rapid development. This app included my customisation and implementation of a jQuery template fit for business purposes. (See "Project 3" below).
    • Real-world exposure and both professional and academic training in the agile methodology throughout the software development lifecycle, utilising Kanban frameworks on Trello, where appropriate and implemented.

    Example Projects I've Done:

    > Project 1

    MERN App - Full-stack

    MERN Logo Thumbnail

    > Project 2

    Demo MVC App - Ruby on Rails

    Rails Logo Thumbnail

    > Project 3

    MVC App - ASP.NET

    ASP.NET Logo Thumbnail