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    Skills and Experience

    • Championed the development of multiple greenfield Windows Service/cron job applications to meet and exceed real-world business needs, build with C# under the .NET 4.5.x Framework.
    • Both contributed to and spearheaded the design, development, support, and administration of all phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) for any given project to address real-world business needs.
    • Prior strong competency in using the Visual Studio IDE efficiently and accurately for an optimal coding and deployment experience.
    • Frequent implementation of and exposure to Domain Driven Development (DDD) to ensure the application models the business' needs and structure.
    • All object-oriented programming using C# that my team and I conducted adhered to the SOLID (acronym) design principles to ensure a robust code-base that can be easily tested and maintained.

    Example Projects I've Done:

    > Project 1

    Native Mobile App - Xamarin | .NET

    Xamarin Logo Thumbnail

    > Project 2

    Desktop Console App - .NET

    .NET Logo Thumbnail